Environmental Review Notice
Habitat for Humanity of Henderson, KY- 537 S. Adams St. Single-Family Development
Follow this link https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:6d90d1f4-5b2d-4e1b-a7a4-389be551b43c to download the Environmental Assessment for the new construction of up to one unit of single-family detached housing by Habitat for Humanity of Henderson, KY on a vacant lot located at 537 S. Adams St. Henderson, Henderson County, KY (center point geographic coordinates: 37.829117, -87.594441) NOTE: This file is over 50MB. Follow this link (link to https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:d13b23f1-c68e-41ad-86ab-e363aa41015a ) to download a much smaller PDF of the Environmental Review Record that does not provide all supporting documentation.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has issued a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOIRROF) (link to https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:ff7133cf-0198-4926-9572-e1179941e337) for US Department of Housing & Urban Development HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding that will be used on the project. KHC will accept public comment on this Environmental Review Record through October 31, 2024. Please submit all comments regarding the Environmental Review Record in writing to Jennifer Oberlin, Kentucky Housing Corporation, via US Mail at 1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601 or via email at environmentalreview@kyhousing.org. A copy of this Environmental Review Record may also be accessed online at https://www.kyhousing.org and https://cpd.hud.gov/cpd-public/environmental-reviews.
A hard copy of the Environmental Review Record is available for public examination and copying, upon request, at the offices of Habitat for Humanity of Henderson, KY, Inc., 1030 Third St. Henderson, KY 42420 (270-826-0015 Ext. 5) or Kentucky Housing Corporation, 1231 Louisville Rd. Frankfort, KY (502-564-7630) and may be examined or copied Monday 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. or Tuesday-Friday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. through October 31, 2024.